List Social Network

Social News Networks:
  1. Digg - community based web 2.0 social network.
  2. Plime – news network where users can vote up and down.
  3. NewsClowd – network to share popular news.
  4. Mixx- Digg style application to share news, pictures, and videos.
  5. Linkinn – old news sharing network.
  6. EarthFrisk- news network (Digg style)
  7. Zimbio – allow members to ping their blogs, submit stories, write articles, and share links.
  8. Searchles – media blog to share news and viral stories.
  9. Hugg- network to post news links (Digg style).
  10. Kirtsy -interesting site to find and share information.
  11. NewsVine – news site to share serious information and stories.
  12. Jigg- Digg style social bookmarking site.
  13. Propeller – extremely popular news site.
  14. ShoutWire – network to rate pictures, news, and videos.
  15. Linkspocket – simple news network.
  16. Content Pop – site to find popular content pages.
  17. TrailFire – well designed network to share news and bookmarks.
  18. Folkdallow to bookmark, save, and vote for links.
  19. Uvouch – media site to share videos, photos, and blogs.
  20. Danogo – newest social site to share news and opinion.
  21. BarksBookmarkssite to find cool news.
  22. Web-Feeds -StumbleUpon style news network.
  23. VoteLists – well designed site to vote for web pages and news.
  24. Ka-Boom-it!- Digg style network to bookmark news.
  25. Ximmy – social site which offers money to users.
  26. Invincibelle- social media site powered by RawSugar.
  27. Faves – popular news sharing community.
  28. Tagza – site to tag news.
  29. Mister-Wong – site with more than 4 mil. visitors per month.
  30. BibSonomy – old social network to share and tag news.
  31. Jumptags – social site to share news, tags, pages, websites, and even contacts!
Social Bookmarking Networks:
  1. – one of the most popular social bookmarking network.
  2. StumbleUpon – provides the best traffic.
  3. Furl- social bookmarking site. Owned by LookSmart.
  4. Reddit – social bookmarking / social news site.
  5. Simpy – old social site to share links.
  6. Magnolia – allow people to submit bookmark and share it with different groups.
  7. SpicyPage – network to tell about your own website.
  8. IndianPad – popular Indian bookmarking site.
  9. BlinkList – network which allow to bookmark pages from your toolbar.
  10. Blogmarks – bookmarking site to save links and share with other users.
  11. FeedMeLinks – place to bookmark links and find what others bookmark.
  12. Fungow – another social bookmarking site to share links.
  13. Linkatopia – site to save links.
  14. Faves – network to post favorite links for specific topics.
  15. Tagza – social bookmarking site to publish list.
  16. Stumpedia – human powered search engine which allow to bookmark links as well.
  17. Clipmarkscreative bookmarking site which allow to bookmark parts of specific page or website.
  18. Netvouz – network to display latest bookmarks.
  19. StartAid – network to find and save news and bookmarks.
  20. GetBoo – tag your favorite pages.
  21. Diigo – site to tag, bookmark, and share favorite places on the web.
  22. OYAX – social bookmarking network.
  23. SpotBack – site to find what other people bookmark.
Social Search Engines:
  1. Stumpedia – human powered search engine.
  2. Rollyo – search engine to find favorite things on the web.
  3. Tall Street – search engine to rank results.
Social Shopping Networks:
  1. ThisNext – social site where people can share shopping experience.
  2. AgentB – network to find deals, sales, and cheap goods.
  3. Deal Comet – social site to submit and find deal.
  4. Zebo – product advising network.
  5. Dealigg- Digg style social shopping network.
  6. Kaboodle – create wish list and submit stuff you want to buy.
  7. Wists – network to share shopping websites.
  8. ShoppersBase – social media site to find goods.
RSS Feed readers and networks:
  1. Technorati – social site to submit RSS Feeds, find popular posts, rate blogs.
  2. Syndic8 – network to submit and discover RSS Feeds.
  3. Blogs Collection- RSS Feed network for bloggers.
  4. MyFeedz – site to search popular stories through RSS Feeds.
  5. BumpZee – network to search interesting topics and subscribe for RSS Feeds.
  6. Genwi – social site to create profile and submit RSS Feeds.
  7. Today- news media network where bloggers can submit RSS Feeds.
  8. Blogz – RSS Feed discovery and blog search engine.
  9. 2RSS – directory, Feed reader, and news site.
  10. Plazoo – RSS Feed reader.
  11. Weblogs – instant Feed reader and news provider.
  12. RSS Feeds Directory – general directory of RSS Feeds.
  13. Press Radar – discover the most popular news through RSS.
  14. RSSMad – simple network to find news.
Miscelanious Networks:
  1. FaceBook – student / friend network where you can share basically everything.
  2. LinkedInprofessional network to find business partners, co-workers, industry news.
  3. Squidoo – network to share knowledge and passion.
  4. 43 things – social networking site where users create accounts and then share lists of goals and hopes.
  5. FriendSite – friend network with great social bookmarking section.
  6. Naymz – network to find professional connections.
Ping Services:
  1. Ping-O-Matic! - the most popular ping service
  2. FeedShark- service to submit RSS Feeds and podcasts.
  3. BlogFlux Pinger – ping for the most popular networks.
  4. Blog On USA – submit your RSS in 50+ networks.
  5. King Ping – ping to 57 networks and services.
  6. Pingoat – popular ping service.
  7. Google Ping – ping service to add blog in Google Blog Search.
Social Sites for Bloggers:
  1. MyBlogLog- network to connect bloggers. Owned by Yahoo.
  2. Bloglines - network to search, share, and publish blogs.
  3. BlogCatalog- social community of bloggers.
  4. Technorati – network to provide information about blogs, find popular posts, rank blogs.
  5. Zimbio – media site to share last posts from blogs.
  6. BlogsCollection – social site to find blog RSS Feeds.
  7. Blogoria- newest social site to unite bloggers.
  8. BlogCode- social site to rate your blog and find related blogs and bloggers.
  9. Fuel My Blog- social site to find friends and communicate with other bloggers.
  10. Blogsvine- network with Digg application for bloggers.
  11. Wobblog- site for bloggers to vote for their favorite posts.
  12. Blog Reporter- Digg style network for blogs.
  13. BlogEngage – forums, news, and blog directory.
Blog Directories:
  1. BlogExplosion – blog directory and network to increase blog traffic.
  2. BlogHublarge portal for bloggers with 35 000+ members.
  3. BOTW blogs- one of the most popular paid directory for bloggers.
  4. Blogarama – network was recently updated and now it offer to rate and vote for blogs.
  5. EatOnWeb -probably the oldest directory for weblogs.
  6. LsBlogs – provide blog directory and directory of blog resources.
  7. AddUrlBlog – simple blog directory.
  8. BlogTagstic – site to submit and tag blogs.
  9. Blogs By City – old directory for blogs.
  10. The Blog Resource - paid directory for blogs.
  11. Bloggeries- strong directory for bloggers.
  12. BlogFlux- membership required to submit your blog.
  13. BlogDirs – general blog web directory.
  14. Blogoriffic- allow blogers to submit blog and RSS Feeds.
  15. BlogBibgreat designed blog directory.
  16. Grokodile – blog directory which reminds DMOZ.
  17. DirSpace Blogs – Blog category on popular web directory.
  18. Blog Advance – network with forum and blog rating system.
  19. Vital – blog and news search.
  20. Bloggernity – blog portal and search network.
  21. PodDop – fast growing blog directory.
  22. Blog Search- regestration required to submit link.
  23. BlogHop – popular network for blogs.
  24. GetBlogs – general blog directory.
  25. Blog Listings – web directory to list your blog.
  26. SubmitBlogs – newest blog directory.
  27. Finding Blogs -create account before submitting.
  28. Link Blogs – you have to email admin for submission.
  29. 2-Review – blog review network.
  30. One Thousand Bloggers- Milliondollarhomepage copycat for bloggers.
  31. TopWeblog – simple web directory.
  32. 5 Star Blogs – blog ranking directory.
  33. Blog Intro Directory – build in blog directory.
  34. BlogListing- allow to tag and submit weblogs.
  35. Blog Sweet – general blog directory.
  36. Blogion – fast growing Web 2.0 directory.
  37. Blog Announce – blog directory.
  38. BlogDup – general blog directory with high Pagerank.
  39. Blog Finds – categorized blog directory and search.
  40. Postami – blog directory and RSS finder.
  41. Surreal Blog – general directory to submit blog.
  42. MVblogs – simple directory for blog submission.
  43. Ajdee – category to submit blog.
  44. Blog Folders – directory with simple design.
  45. Chat to US – paid blog directory.
  46. Creative Blogs- categorised directory for bloggers.
  47. Nubbit – portal to find news and submit links.
  48. Bigger Blogger – simple categorised directory.
  49. BloggerHQ – blog directory with perfect design.
  50. BloggingAbroad – regular blog directory.
  51. Blogoozle – blogs organised by Google Pagerank.
  52. Diarist – blog directory and blogger network.
  53. BlogWidow- not a real directory. It is content submission network for bloggers.
  54. Delightful Blogs – inredible interesting design.
  55. B.Collection – interesting directory.
  56. Blog-Directory – directory to get information about blogs.
  57. MyBlog2U – blog directory and search.
  58. The Million Blogs – pixel blog directory.
  59. BlogZ Search- general portal for bloggers.
  60. Blog Popular – receprocal directory for blogs.
  61. Wutzle- network offers multiple services for bloggers.
  62. BlogZ – regular / general blog directory.
  63. High Class Blogs – directory to find cool blogs with updates every 24 hours.
  64. Photarium – network to tag blogs.
  65. BlogAdr – directory and news site.
  66. Blog Drive – simple blog directory.
  67. Blog Bunch – BETA blog directory.
  68. BlogZoop – blog directory, forum, tools, and more.
  69. BlogVille – “get a street for your blog”.
  70. Instant Blog Directory – new directory.
  71. Blog Directory – United Kingdom blog directory.
  72. Optimum Blogs – general directory for blogs.
  73. z-Blogs – directory for quality blogs.
  74. 1CoolFire – network with multiple submission options.
  75. B4Blogs- simple directory for weblogs.
  76. Alive Blog Directory – paid web directory.
  77. Blog Collector – newest blog directory.
  78. Super Blog Directory – they call themself “super”… just another blog index.
  79. BlogHints – blog directory and search index.
  80. Bloggapedia – directory and network to find interesting blogs.
  81. Helios Blogs – newest blog bookmarking network.
Blog Search Engines:
  1. Technorati – social network and search engine.
  2. Sphere – one of the most popular blog search engine.
  3. Bloglines – powerfull network and blog search.
  4. Blog Search Engine – search engine and news provider.
  5. Fybersearch – old network to search RSS Feeds and news.
  6. FlexFinder – very old search engine with ability to search blogs.
  7. IceRocket – 100% blog search engine.
  8. Blogz – RSS Feed discovery and blog search engine.
  9. BlogDigger – established search engine for blogs.
Niche Networks For Bloggers:
  1. I Blog Business - network for business and marketing blogs.
  2. Blogs: Small Business – general business directory.
  1. Human Capital Institute- educational site for bloggers.
  2. BlogScholar – academic blogging portal.
  1. Queer Filter- network for gay culture and bloggers.
  1. MilBlogging- blogging portal for military bloggers.
  1. Band Weblogs – community for people who blog about popular and rock music.
  1. Lefty Blogs – for US politic blogs and news sites.
  1. Photo Blog Directory – general directory for photo blogs.
  2. Photoblogs -portal. Photo blogs, news, wiki…
  3. Fotolog- social network community for photo bloggers.
Random topics:
  1. Ageless - blogging by age.
  1. Blogs4god - christian blog network (Digg style).
  1. Sport Blogs -articles, store, directory, and news about sport from bloggers.
Technology / Internet:
  1. Geeks with blogs – extremely popular commynity for geeks.
  2. Swik – software and related news.
Video Blogging:
  1. VBD – video blog directory.
  2. Vidblogs- social network for video bloggers.
  1. Blogs by Women - directory with over 5000 members.
  2. BlogHer- social site for women bloggers.
  1. Easy Wordpress - directory for wordpress blogs.
Niche Social Sites:
  1. AutoSpies - large network to share auto industry news.
  2. MotorPulse- Digg style network to find auto industry news.
  3. Boompa – network for people who loves cars.
  1. Bizzlo - network to share business and investment ideas.
  2. Feed The Bull – investment and stock market community.
  1. All About Steak – Yes! social site where people can submit links about steak and beef.
  1. Care2 – news about enviroment, health, nature.
  2. PlantChange- Australian enviromental community (Digg style).
  1. Health Rankerhealth social news.
  1. NewsHeat - Digg style site to find political opinion and news.
  1. Dzone – site to bookmark links for web developers.
  2. CSS Globe – site to share web design and web marketing stories.
  3. PixelGroovy – network to share web design experience and knowledge.
  4. DesignFloat – social site for web designers.
  5. Sphinn – popular SEO, web marketing, and web design community.
  6. DevelopersNiche – web design, software, technology news….
  7. DnHour- Digg style network to share ninformation about domains.
  8. PlugIm – internet and web marketing news.
  9. Swik – software and related news.
  10. Slashdot Bookmarks – the most popular technology blog and community.
  1. Gusto - travel links, news, and reviews.
Video Games:
  1. VGpro - community to find news about gaming industry.
  1. Boudica – social news for women.

Hack Proofing XML 2010

Hack Proofing XML 2010
Hack Proofing XML 2010
Publisher: Syngress | ISBN: 1931836507 | edition 2002 | PDF | 402 pages | 11,6 mb

he only way to stop a hacker is to think like one!
The World Wide Web Consortiums Extensible Markup Language (XML) is quickly becoming the new standard for data formatting and Internet development. XML is expected to be as important to the future of the Web as HTML has been to the foundation of the Web, and has proven itself to be the most common tool for all data manipulation and data transmission.
Hack Proofing XML provides readers with hands-on instruction for how to secure the Web transmission and access of their XML data. This book will also introduce database administrators, web developers and web masters to ways they can use XML to secure other applications and processes.

Download from Hotfile

Download from Uploading

WiFi Hack 2010 Collection

Collection WiFi Hack 2010
Collection WiFi Hack 2010
Collection WiFi Hack 2010 | 172 MB

This time we bring you the best software to hack the WiFi networks 2010. The compilation includes powerful encryption software in network detection and ideal for hacking WiFi networks.Download Programs to hack Free Full WiFi networks.
This AiO contains:
Windows Tools 1
Wifi Monster
Easy Wifi Radar

Windows Tools 2
Advanced Port Scanner

Download link for BackTrack 4 Pre Release
Download link for BackTrack 4 Beta Release
Download link for BackTrack 3 VmWare Image
Download link for BackTrack 3
Download link for BackTrack 3 USB Version

PDF’s & Tutorials
Hacking Wireless Networks
Cracking WEP and WPA WiFi
Wifi Hacking
Hacking Asus WL520gU
BackTrack PDFs
WiFi Advanced Fuzzing
Wifi Security
Wireless Sniffing WiresHark
Wireless Hacking Tools

Bonus Software
Net Tools
Cain and Abel
Wifi Drivers
VmWare Keygen
Download Links

WiFi Hack AIO 2010

WiFi Hack AIO 2010
WiFi Hack AIO 2010
WiFi Hack AIO 2010
This time we bring you the best software to hack the WiFi networks 2010. El compilado incluye potente software en detecci?ƒn y cifrado de redes ideal para hackear Redes WiFi. The compilation includes powerful encryption software in network detection and ideal for hacking WiFi networks. Descargar Programas para Hackear Redes WiFi Full Gratis. Download Programs to hack Free Full WiFi networks.
This AiO contains:
Windows Tools 1
Wifi Monster
Easy Wifi Radar

Windows Tools 2
Advanced Port Scanner

Enlace de descarga para BackTrack 4 Pre Release
Enlace de descarga para BackTrack 4 Beta Release
Enlace de descarga para BackTrack 3 VmWare Image
Enlace de descarga para BackTrack 3
Enlace de descarga para BackTrack 3 USB Version

PDFs & Tutorials
Hacking Wireless Networks
Cracking WEP and WPA WiFi
Wifi Hacking
Hacking Asus WL520gU
BackTrack PDFs
WiFi Advanced Fuzzing
Wifi Security
Wireless Sniffing WiresHark
Wireless Hacking Tools

Bonus Software
Net Tools
Cain and Abel
Wifi Drivers
VmWare Keygen
WiFi Hack AIO 2010

General File Information

General Information:

A RAR file

RAR is the native format of WinRAR archiver. Like other archives, RAR files are data containers, they store one or several files in the compressed form. After you downloaded RAR file from Internet, you need to unpack its contents in order to use it.

AIO Wifi Hack 2009 With Tools & Tutorial

AIO Wifi Hack 2009 With Tools & Tutorial
AIO Wifi Hack 2009 with Tools & Tutorial

AIO Wifi Hack 2009 with Tools & Tutorial | 125 MB

This tool has many different tools to hack and cr@ck wifi so you can use your neighbours internet and do whatever. Tools for Windows and Linux also some nice extra tools!Windows
* Aircrack
* Wireshark
* Ettercap
* Netstumbler
* Airsnare
* WIFIfofum
* Wdriver
* Pong
* CommView
* Airsnort
* AiroPeek
* Knsgem 2
* Aptools
* And A Nice PDF File

Linux Hacks:

* Airpwn
* WEPcrack
* Prismstumbler
* WIFIscanner
* Airfart
* Magicmap
* WPA-cracker
* Wellenreiter
* Void
* Kismet
* Cowpatty
* WIFIzoo
* And A Nice PDF File



Warhammer 40000: Dawn Of War - Mega Collection (2009/Repack/3xDVD5)

Warhammer 40000: Dawn Of War - Mega Collection (2009/Repack/3xDVD5)

Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War - Mega Collection 

Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War - Mega Collection 

1.Dawn Of War
2.Dawn Of War - Winter Assault
3.Dawn Of War - Dark Crusade
4.Dawn Of War - Soulstorm
5.Dawn Of War II


Warhammer 40000 Dawn Of War II Chaos Rising - Razor1911

Warhammer 40000 Dawn Of War II Chaos Rising - Razor1911
Warhammer 40000 Dawn Of War II Chaos Rising - Razor1911

Warhammer 40000 Dawn Of War II Chaos Rising - Razor1911 | 7.56 GB
Release Date: 2010-03-11
Game Type : Strategy
Protection: Steam + XLive

In Dawn of War II: Chaos Rising you will take command of the Blood Ravens and defend the sector against the Chaos Space Marines of the Black Legion. Purge the chaos filth and hold the chapter together as traitorous forces work from within to try bring down the Blood Ravens.

*Upgrade your squads with new legendary wargear and unlock new special abilities, as your squads advance to level 30. Will you remain steadfast to the Emperor or risk heresy to gain new dark and destructive powers?

*In multiplayer swear loyalty to the Chaos Gods and pit your bloodthirsty warband of Chaos Space Marines against the new units and reinforced armies of the Space Marines, Orks, Eldar, and Tyranids.

Install Notes
1. Extract RARs
2. Mount or Burn image
3. Run Installer.exe (when it ask for SID file you have to select it on your
dvd drive)
4. Copy the whole content from crack dir to your install folder
5. Install xlive from your install folder xxxxxInstallgfwlivesetup.exe
6. Start DOW2.exe

Create a xlive offline profile for save and load.
Warhammer 40000 Dawn Of War II Chaos Rising - Razor1911

Warhammer 40000 Dawn Of War II Chaos Rising - Razor1911

Pro Evolution Soccer - PES (2010)

 PES 2010 focuses on enhancing the excitement of matches between players,
  making for a truly challenging experience that will constantly test the
  player. Intuitive zonal defending will cover spaces and players need to look
  constantly for new ways to attack. PES 2010 focuses on being a real football
  simulation, as it requires both strategic play and quick reactions, as in
  real life. In addition to key out-field elements, goalkeepers are more
  versatile and with abilities matching those of modern shot-stoppers. The
  game's referees have also been reworked, with smarter AI elements allowing
  them to make more balanced calls during matches.

  PES 2010 has undergone a major visual revamp, with its celebrated player
  likenesses and animations now even closer to those of real-life players
  including live player expressions to be depicted with an improved lighting
  system which differentiates between various conditions! Stadium detail is
  also massively improved, with the grass and other in-stadium elements
  finely depicted.

Full Version PC Game:Quake III Arena

Full Version PC Game:Quake III Arena

This is the highly anticipated next instalment in the Quake series of adventure games. Quake 3 Arena continues the action of the earlier two games but adds more intense action, surreal graphics and a phenomenal multiplayer mode. The game also features body armour and health kits to help keep you alive.Quake 3 makes for an exhilarating single-player game, but to truly discover what makes this game great, try out the mulitplayer mode for up to 32 players, in one-on-one matches or group conquests.

-New gaming technology creates 3-D graphics with curved surfaces and high-detail textures
-Lots of great weapons, including shotguns, lighting guns, and the BFG
-Rich environmental visual effects, including fog and realistic lighting
-Incredible multi-player death-match competitions for up to 32 players

System Requirements:-

-Pentium II 266MHz. More CPU = more players.
-At least 64 MB RAM.
-Kernel 2.2.9 or higher, glibc 2.1.
-The *.pk3 files from the Quake III Arena CD-ROM.
-At least ~500 MB free space on your HDD.
-Enough bandwidth if you're going to run an Internet server. More players = more bandwidth.

1.Click on the "Portable Quake III"To play
2.If it asks you for a cd key, ignore it by pressing ESC or ACCEPT button on the screen. Enjoy!

Real Player

Real Player
[Image: 2d8nu49.jpg]
Fast Facts about the New Real Player:
* Consumers can use the innovative, single-click process to quickly download and save videos for later enjoyment.
* Consumers can download multiple videos simultaneously with RealPlayer, allowing people to save time and easily multitask. Users can also start downloading in the middle of watching a video, and the entire video will be captured.
* Consumers don t need to worry about video format compatibility issues the new RealPlayer supports videos created in the most popular formats, including Flash, Windows Media, QuickTime, and Real.
* Consumers can easily burn videos to CD (or to DVD, using RealPlayer Plus). The Video CD format used by RealPlayer can be played in most DVD players.
* Consumers can send links of their favorite videos to their friends with a convenient Share with a Friend feature. The link that arrives in their friends email will direct them to the online source of the video content their friend downloaded.
* RealPlayer supports both downloading and recording for popular streaming format (Windows Media, Real, and QuickTime)
* RealPlayer will only download/record video that is not protected by DRM (Digital Rights Management) systems.
* RealPlayer features an improved look and feel, a streamlined installation process and faster video playback.
* RealPlayer will first be released for Windows, and will work with both Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. Real plans a version for the Mac to be released later in the year


Active WebCam

Active WebCam 11.0
[Image: active-webcam-deluxe-big1.gif]

ctive WebCam captures images up to 30 frames per second from any video device including USB and analog cameras, TV boards, capture cards, frame grabbers, camcorders, and network IP cameras. The program broadcasts captured content from your computer or uploads it to an FTP server. Broadcasting can be viewed using any Internet browser. The program performs simultaneous recording and broadcasting from unlimited number of cameras. Your camera(s) can be used as part of a surveillance system. When the program detects motion in the monitored area, it sounds an alarm, e-mails you captured images, starts broadcasting, or records video. Live broadcasting as well as recording can be password protected, so all video and audio are scrambled and cannot be watched without a valid password. Version 11.0 adds support of PTZ control in Orbit camera.

How to get this working:
Download the RS dl link (located below)
2. Open up the .RAR file
3. Run the program AWC-PYS.exe that is located in the .RAR file
4. If your running the program Active Webcam 11.0 close it
5. Run the program Keygen.exe
6. Click the button called "Patch" locate it to WebCam.exe
7. Press the button Activate

It should be fully cracked after you follow those steps if it didn't work or erased your WebCam.exe file then your have to redo the steps but allow the program through your firewall.

Problems with keygen?








[Image: active-webcam-deluxe-big1.gif]


Babylon Pro v8.0.6 R5

Babylon Pro v8.0.6 R5 | 8 MB

Posted Image

Babylon 8 is the world's leading dictionary and language translation software. Babylon offers you the most intuitive tool for all your translation needs. With Babylon you can quickly translate emails, web pages, documents, instant messages, and more. All you have to do is click on the word or text that you want to translate and a small window instantly appears with the desired results from Babylon's extensive database of language dictionaries, glossaries and conversion tools.

Babylon offers its users a wide range of titles from the world's premier publishing houses including Oxford University Press, Britannica, Merriam-Webster, Larousse, Vox, Langenscheidt, Pons, and Taishukan. New Babylon 8 offers text translation in 31 languages in addition to single word and phrase translations, spell check for IE, auto completion of words, smart dictionary, customization, and results from Wikipedia encyclopedia in 20 languages.

Babylon 8 - an easy and intuitive translation and dictionary software in over 75 languages. With Babylon 8, text translation has never been easier, no more "copy/paste" or unnecessary browser windows. Just click on any text in Word, Excel, emails, instant messaging, web pages and other desktop applications. All you need is a single click away.

Babylon 8 features:
• Single Click activation
• Text translation - in 31 languages
• Results from the world's leading publishers
• Encyclopedias including Wikipedia content
• Translations in more than 75 languages
• Unit Conversions - Convert currencies, measurements and time
• Writing Tools for English
• Spelling Alternatives
• Technical Requirement

• Single Click Activation
Babylon online dictionary is a simple and intuitive tool operated by a single click. Just click on any text written in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, emails, web pages, instant messages or any other desktop application. A small window will instantly appear containing the translation results, as well as any information or conversion that you require. You can also easily copy/paste to and from Babylon. Actually, once installed in your computer, Babylon will become a powerful and innovative reference tool of easy use that will allow you immediate online access to dictionaries and encyclopedias covering all topics and themes.

• Text Translation
Text translations in 31 languages, all in a single click. Text translation has never been easier; no need for additional browsers or copy/paste. Just click any word in the text you want to translate and Babylon will automatically identify the inserted text passage and translate it. Despite the fact, that no machine translation is 100% accurate or delivers results equal to human translation, this great new feature, based on the most advanced text translation technology, helps you understand texts in languages you are less familiar with.
Babylon's text translation is available in the following languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Hebrew, Chinese (Traditional), Chinese (Simplified), Dutch, Russian, Korean, Turkish, Arabic, Farsi, Polish and Ukrainian.

• Results from the world's leading publishers
Get single click results from the world's leading dictionaries and encyclopedias for a small additional fee. Babylon offers its users a wide range of titles from the world's premier publishing houses: Britannica, Oxford, Merriam Webster, Pons, Larousse, Langenscheidt, Taishukan, Michaelis, Van-Dale and many more. View a list of all the dictionaries and encyclopedias that Babylon offers.

• Wikipedia content
Babylon online dictionary's single click intuitive technology now offers its users results from Wikipedia, The Web Free Encyclopedia, a multilingual web-based encyclopedia in 13 languages covering more than 2.2 million articles and definitions that are constantly updated according to the current events and science latest innovations. The combined use of online applications such as Babylon and Wikipedia, are today imperative tools for pupils, students and professional translators.

• Translation in more than 75 languages
Babylon's translation and dictionary software offers results from a database of 1,300 sources in more than 75 languages. The database includes 25 professional dictionaries in 31 languages developed by Babylon's own linguistic team: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Hebrew, Chinese (Traditional), Chinese (Simplified), Dutch, Russian, Korean and Swedish. In fact, Babylon has developed a unique instant computerized translation tool that will eventually replace your traditional printed dictionaries, offering an immediate and online access to Internet information sources and a wide range of online dictionaries and glossaries that are constantly updated.

• Units & Measures Conversion
Babylon converts currencies, measurements and time-units, just click on any value in any desktop application to get instant conversions. Babylon online dictionary will automatically identify the required conversion type, based on unit symbols that appear next to the numbers. There is no more need to contact the bank or surf the web, an advanced conversion technology will allow you to find out online, at a single click, actual timetables and currency values, which are automatically updated on a daily basis.

• Writing Tools for English
In addition to text translation, Babylon online dictionary also offers its users tools for finding the exact word they are looking for and guarantee a correct verbal conjugation. Given that many words may be translated in several ways, Babylon enables its users to see each possible translation with its equivalent translation, in the user's native language. Babylon also shows all possible conjugations, enabling thus the correct usage of the term.

• Spelling Alternatives
An automatic spelling feature available in Babylon provides solutions for common typos, misspellings and wording problems.


Your Uninstaller! Pro

Your Uninstaller! Pro 7.0.2010.13 | 5.28 MB

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Your Uninstaller! uninstaller software is the industry's leading uninstaller software. It's the world's 1st smart Drag&Uninstall™ uninstaller software under the Windows platform, works on Windows 7/ Vista/ XP/. It's as easy as using the recycle bin. Imagine! Just a drag-drop and the program you don't want will disappear from your computer - as well as everything the unwanted program brings! Your Uninstaller! is a user-friendly way of removing unneeded applications on your computer. It can even remove some annoying spywares!
Your Uninstaller! software is a specially designed uninstaller program for both beginning and advanced users. Your Uninstaller! is extremely very fast and easy to use. It has a unique ability to uninstall items by simply dragging programs' icons into the Your Uninstaller! icon. You may also find the application you want to uninstall through a unique search function.

Your Uninstaller! completely removes applications so quickly. Your Uninstaller! starts up 500%-1000% times faster than other Add/Remove programs. As you know, there are many installers in the world, such as InstallShield, Wise Installer, Microsoft Installer and many others. Most applications are built using these installers. Each installer has a unique install database, which makes it difficult to find all the changes programs' make to your computer. That's why other uninstallers can only uninstall part of an application-leaving some files and registry keys.

To solve this problem, Your Uninstaller! uses it's unique technique: SmartUninstall™ has a database containing information about all installers on the market; so when it uninstalls a program, it automatically detects which installer the application used, then it simply uninstalls the application properly. That's the reason Your Uninstaller! can detect and completely remove all the programs and icons on your computer.

Key features:
• Completely remove any application installed.
• Deep scan of registry and entire disk for unused registry entries and files.
• Remove programs that could not be removed by Add/Remove Program.
• Uninstall screen savers. [PRO]
• Remove internet surfing traces.
• Backup and restore registry.
• Registration key management.
• Built-in Disk Cleaner helps you find and remove unnecessary files on your disk to save space and make computer faster! [PRO]
• Built-in IE Context Menu Cleaner, cleans the context menu of Internet Explorer. [PRO]
• Built-in Startup Manager, take full control of Window startups. [PRO]
• Fix invalid desktop shortcuts and start menu shortcuts.
• Get the applications detail info even if it hide itself in deep directory, especially useful for finding out "Spy" applications. [PRO]
• Backup/restore installed-applications information.
• Uninstall with SINGLE drag-drop! Just drop a file on Your Uninstaller! icon on the desktop to see what happens! [PRO]
• List installed applications with appropriate icons(same as you see in the Start Menu), you can easily find the application you want to uninstall.
• Powerful search feature allows you quickly find the program you are about to uninstall.
• Automatic detection of invalid installations and removing them with one click.
• Force removal of uninstall related entries in the registry(care to use!). [PRO]
• Lighting speed at startup, 5-10 times faster than Add/Remove Program of Windows XP!
• Export programs list to file or printer.
• More ...


Nero 9.4.26 Reloaded Premium Volume Support Win7

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Nero 9.4.26 Reloaded Premium Volume Support Win7

Nero 9.4.26 Reloaded Premium Volume Support Win7

Nero 9 is the next generation of the worlds most trusted integrated digital media and home entertainment software suite. It features new cutting-edge functionality that makes enjoying digital media content simple. This easy-to-use yet powerful multimedia suite, gives you the freedom to create, rip, copy, burn, edit, share, and upload online. Whatever you want music, video, photo, and data enjoy and share with family and friends anytime, anywhere.
With easy-to-use Nero StartSmart command center, your digital life has never been more flexible, feasible, and fun.

Here are some key features of "Nero 9":

Create & Edit
Video - Whether you are recording soccer games, concerts, or family reunions, get professional results in an easy-to-use video creation and editing tool. Use the Movie Wizard template library and create entertaining movies for every occasion (birthdays, weddings, vacations). Watch seamless movies or music videos, without commercials or other scenes interrupting, by using Ad Spotter to automatically cut them out. Become the movie director you were meant to be!
Music - Dust off your old CDs and LPs and digitally archive them forever. Easily manage and play your favorite music titles with new music recognition service delivers accurate song and artist information, and album art (Powered by Gracenote). Browse media for playback, create playlists of your favorite audio tracks, shuffle and categorize tracks for easy reference. Simply create MP3 archives of your favorite Music videos with Music Grabber.
Photo - Whether you are recording soccer games, concerts, or family reunions, get professional results in an easy-to-use video creation and editing tool. Use the Movie Wizard template library and create entertaining movies for every occasion (birthdays, weddings, vacations). Watch seamless movies or music videos, without commercials or other scenes interrupting, by using Ad Spotter to automatically cut them out. Become the movie director you were meant to be!

Convert & Share
High-Definition - Make use of the latest AVCHD or HDV camcorders, edit your project in HD quality including Nero SmartEncoding for AVCHD and create an AVCHD disc on a regular DVD medium (red laser) or a BD-AV disc (blue laser).
Convert & enjoy multimedia files on iPod, PSP - Convert your music, videos, and photos to DVD, CD, or your portable devices and enjoy them on the go. Convert your old CDs, LPs, and tapes to MP3s and save them forever Gracenote MusicID will give you the track information, titles, and great album art to complete your collection.
Internet - Upload your coolest photos and videos to share with online communities.

Home Entertainment
Media Center - NEW amazing TV experience from the comfort of your sofa gives you state-of-the-art TV technology, even for HDTV and DVB Radio. Integrates into Windows Vista Media Center and Windows XP Media Center Edition.
High-Definition Television - Record, manage, playback, and enjoy your favorite TV shows even for HDTV. Watch High-Definition TV and use the P-i-P ("picture-in-picture") mode for watching 2 channels at the same time.

Rip & Burn
Best in the World! - Fast and easy ripping, burning and copying of CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray Discs directly through Nero StartSmart. With DVD-R Dual Layer and DVD R Double Layer support, you'll get more data on a disc than ever before!
DiscCopy Gadget - One-click disc copy with Nero DiscCopy Gadget - optimized for Windows Vista.
Personalized Disc Labels - Personalize your discs with labels, covers, and booklets, and choose from multiple templates or customize with your own images.

Protect and Archive Files and Data - Safely backup to archive, protect, and manage your multimedia library for generations to come. Don;t lose your valuable memories and important files to lifes potential hazards, or risky hardware protectively archiving files and data is a point-and-click away.
Securely Manage Content - Customize automatic functions for easy and convenient Autobackup for offline or online files storage. Schedule automatic backups to ensure consistency and recover and preserve files and data with Nero RescueAgent. Easily scan for most media types and files, with quick overview of damage and rescue status.


A DVD-ROM drive is required for installation
Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher
1 GHz Intel Pentium III or equivalent AMD and Intel processor (2 GHz Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent AMD and Intel processor for Windows Vista), 256 MB RAM (512 MB RAM for Windows Vista)
1.5 GB hard drive space for a typical installation of all components
CD, DVD, or Blu-ray Disc recordable or rewritable drive for burning
DirectX 9.0c revision 30 (August 2006) or higher
Up to 9 GB available hard drive space for DVD images and temporary DVD files
Graphics card with at least 32 MB video memory and minimum resolution of 800 x 600 pixels and 16-bit color settings (24-bit or 32-bit true color is recommended)
Installation of the latest WHQL certified device drivers is strongly recommended
For the Nero Online services: Nero product registration, product updates, patent activation, Gracenote services, Nero Online Backup, and other features (such as photo sharing) an Internet connection is required.



Landscape V1.0.4550 RUS(4.2010)

Landscape v1.0.4550 RUS(4.2010)

Landscape v1.0.4550 (4.2010) | 650 MB

Description: Just imagine that in your backyard, you may receive a Japanese garden, a shady pond or even a tropical forest. You think it zamanchevym? Then drive a series of "Your House" on landshfatnomu design exactly what you need! Here are all the work to improve the area home: from the design of the site to the selection of plants for the garden and pond. Particular attention is given to the consecration, garden furniture and garden fencing.

With this disc you will feel like a real designer will enjoy creativity and undoubtedly will be pleased with the result! Using the simulation program vmrtualnogo landscape you will develop a design of your site, put into the arrangement of flowers, trees, fountains, garden accessories and tracks.

- Design infield from beginning to professional solutions
- Original ideas
- Most popular styles of gardens
- Types of water elements
- Design custom parts
- Vivid photos
- More than 100 articles on landscape design
- The simulator virtual landscape

System requirements:
Processor: 500 mhz
RAM: 64 mb
IE 6.0 or higher (included on disc)
Flash Player (included on disc)
Screen resolution: 1024x768
Depth: 32 bits

Landscape v1.0.4550 RUS(4.2010)

SKDownloader Pro

SKDownloader Pro V.2.4.1
SKDownloader Pro v.2.4.1
SKDownloader Pro v.2.4.1
SKDownloader is a free download accelerator for Linux, windows and other platforms. It is java based and has special installers for Linux and Windows.
1. Downloading the same file in parts simultaneously to maximize speed.
2. Resume Supported.
3. Supports redirection.
4. HTTP and FTP & Proxy support.
5. Scheduling support with Internet Explorer and Firefox integration.
6. Auto updater for both linux and windows* Graphical and Command line versions available with Graphical version having command line interface inbuilt.
7. Easy installers for Linux and Windows.
SKDownloader Pro v.2.4.1
SKDownloader Pro v.2.4.1
SKDownloader is a free download accelerator for Linux, windows and other platforms. It is java based and has special installers for Linux and Windows.
1. Downloading the same file in parts simultaneously to maximize speed.
2. Resume Supported.
3. Supports redirection.
4. HTTP and FTP & Proxy support.
5. Scheduling support with Internet Explorer and Firefox integration.
6. Auto updater for both linux and windows* Graphical and Command line versions available with Graphical version having command line interface inbuilt.
7. Easy installers for Linux and Windows.

Corel Painter

Corel Painter V11.0.016

Corel Painter v11.0.016

Corel Painter v11.0.016 | 117 MB

Corel ® Painter ™ 11 - is the ideal digital art studio for those who are willing to go beyond the usual in the art. Now, with the latest tools for digital painting and realistic tools for Natural Media, you will realize the most daring designs.

Corel ® Painter ™ 1911 is the ultimate digital art studio for anyone ready to expand their definition of creativity. Working with the most advanced digital painting and natural media tools available, you can create the art you've always envisioned.


New opportunities for creativity
• Improved tools decoration imitating real texture, and color becomes more intense with each new smear
• pen and tablet is recommended for use: in combination with brushes Painter RealBristle ™ they recreate the feeling of a natural interaction between hand and the canvas.
• New management tools «Hard Media» can create their own versions of these tools, or select from the Library Brushes »(Brush Library)

Virtual photo lab
• Enhanced recognition of color when importing from Adobe ® Photoshop ®, as well as custom color profiles for each document will make color reproduction more accurate.
• Tools fotozhivopisi technology SmartStroke ™ will creatively transform the real.
• Adjustable surface texture will give your creature personality and help to achieve the level of detail not available with other means of digital painting and photography.

Education through the experiment
• Using the tools of digital art, you can experiment with color, composition and brush strokes without contact with toxic substances, confusion and costs that are inevitable when working with traditional materials.
• New management tools «Hard Media» give the artist an opportunity to experiment again and again, achieving the desired result.
• «Smart" tools for creating songs such as "The Golden Ratio» (Divine Proportion), «The Rule of Thirds» (Rule of Thirds) and "Rule-fifths» (Rule of Fifths) will help you organize the space of the canvas, to track your picture was flawless .

What's new:
• Improved performance of the program
• improved in the 64-bit environment
• Improved operation of moving objects on the canvas
• Improved operation of copying and pasting from other applications
• improved tool Eraser
• amendments to the work with tools for color management
• Fixed some errors that occur when using tools Auto-painting

Corel Painter v11.0.016

Hiren2HDD: Setup Hiren's Boot CD To HDD

Hiren2HDD: Setup Hiren's Boot CD To HDD

Hiren2HDD: Setup Hiren's Boot CD to HDD

Hiren2HDD: Setup hiren's boot cd to HDD
Compatibility: Windows XP/7 | Hiren's 10.4 | 197 MB

Your computer can't boot to windows ? You have to repair your pc with hiren boot but the CD driver is breakdown or u don't have a USB. What can you do in this situation ?

Just relax ! Don't worry about that!

Hiren2hhd will help you install the Hiren's boot cd to your hdd, this mean u don't need Cd hiren's or usb to boot into Hiren. It's so wonderful.

Main Features:

- Compatibility with both Windows Xp and Windows 7
- The Hiren's boot 10.4 is used in this version
- All feature of hiren's CD

How to use:

- Right click on Hiren2HDD.exe and choose "Run as Administrator"
- Click install button and waiting the program install into your pc
- After install you have to restart you pc
- When u wanna use hiren's boot, you just restart pc and choose Hiren's from the boot menu of Windows

So ! What are you waiting for ? Download and Enjoy it ^^

Hiren2HDD: Setup Hiren's Boot CD to HDD

Driver Genius Pro v9.0.0.189

Driver Genius Pro v9.0.0.189


Is a professional driver management tool features both driver management and hardware diagnostics. Driver Genius provides such practical functions as driver backup, restoration, update and removal for computer users. If you often reinstall your operating system, you may not forget such painful experiences of searching all around for all kinds of drivers. If unfortunately you have lost your driver CD, the search will be more troublesome and time-consuming.

Magic Photo Editor v5.6

Magic Photo Editor v5.6


Magic Photo Editor is an application for editing photos. Now suppose you have a digital photo and a beautiful landscape picture, and you want to add you digital photo onto the landscape picture. You want to softly blend them together, and the blended picture should be natural and attractive. You are looking for a photo editing software which can do it easily and quickly. You can easily blend your digital photo onto another image to create special effect with this photo editor. It makes your photo interesting and pretty. You can easily change the size and position of the photos, flowers, cartoon pictures or text just by clicking and dragging them. This photo editor is very easy to use.

# There are 200 masks for you to choose, which changes your photo in different shapes then blend it onto the backdrop image
# Add 60 kind of flowers onto your photo, which make you photo more beautiful
# Add 120 cartoon pictures onto your photo, which make you photo more interesting.
# Add text comments onto your photo.
# Add frames onto your photo. There are 200 frames included.

Download: or or  Password:



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